Friday, March 22, 2019

The Time Artist

Shíjiān Yìshùjiā

The Time Artist

Knowing what to do
With the moment

Where and when to spend
Weather to save or invest it

Balance between

Wisdom leads a soul
To focus

Focus leads to
Optimal mentality

The Quest 
Toward perfect time

Every Second
Every Minute
Every Hour

Sailing the peace
Of Perfect Time

Of God

Set upon
The mission

Making the most
Of this time

A Life
Of purposes

With purpose
Of Time


Añjali Mudrā
Maharishi Déjà Vu


Photo "God's Seal" 
TAO DAN Meditations
Maharishi Déjà Vu © Sicilian Family Productions

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Wizards Rules

Qícái Guīzé

The Wizards’ Rules

The Pentitudes IV

“In every beautiful & respectable family
 There is always one individual
 Of somewhat questionable character.” 

Laugh with your enemies ~
It is hard to hate when you're having fun

3 Rules for surviving difficult times
Do something for someone else
Learn something new
    Have something to look forward to

A life without complaints
Will bring you fame

When you are in a relationship with someone
No matter how much you love them
They are another person, not you
It is a compromise
To get the things, you love about them
You will also get some things, you did not want
Those things will get worse as they age 

There is a limitless power 
In a single good thought
Find one 

There is an art to ignoring 
What you think in your mind

When everything but 
what you want to do
Becomes an inconvenience
You have imprisoned 
Yourself in a room
Without a door
‘ hope for an encounter
With some who’s life
Is an open window
To everything

Life is just a puzzle
There is only one thing 
Should matter to you
Finding the next piece
There is a second rule
it is equally important
Keep moving
The next move

The Moments of Peace
 Are Priceless

Life can be difficult
It takes a Wizard to make it look easy.

Any enterprise is built by wise planning, 
Becomes strong through common sense, 
And profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts.

When “I’ll do it.”, 
Turns into “Oh no!, 
Your thinking is working backwards
Against you 

The Wizard with age becomes the Exorcist

Sanity is but a thread
Guard it well

You might not be in every day of my life
Though you live every day in my dreams

Feel Good Every Moment You Can

Negative thoughts are like spirits that are salesmen
Talking in your mind

There is nothing in the world stronger
 And of greater force to overawe
The Spirits than Constancy

A Sphinctriloquist
 Is someone who can pass gas
Making it sound and smell 
Like it was someone else in the room

If this is the Caterpillar
Imagine the Butterfly

People are limited
By their prejudices

One learns to treasure any wisdom in self one can find
When all that surround are genius in their own mind

Without Love
They Can’t See

Wizards are
To turn adults back into children
For a period of time

I will turn you into one
If you spend some time
With me

You adopt the spirit that lives within you
Everyone has a spirit
Mine is joy & fun

It is when we get to the end of our rope
That we find our self

Hate is the most pathetic characteristic of humanity
Destruction is the most detestable side/part of life

The Magic of the Season belongs to me 
For I have seen the first flash of firefly

An overworked middle finger
Leads to stiffening of the joint with age
Causing the finger to be constantly stuck
In the extended position 

We are inhabited by the spirit
Of the things we believe in

Make Up Your Mind To Survive 

Put in the request
To the central coordinator of thinking
Please cancel all the bad thoughts
For the remainder of my life

There is no greater enemy than Fear

What people can’t see
They don’t want 

Reality is a better teacher
Than propaganda
Propaganda only washes the brain for the moment 
But reality brings about over time sobriety

There is no escaping it 
You are either hating your life
Loving your life

Making a life
Where there is none
Is Magic

There is nothing I can do about it
So why think about it

Think Good Thoughts 
Any chance you can 

What good will it be
If it can’t give you
The functional anointing

Meditate on the good
Anywhere you can find it
In your life

It never feels you have enough 
Time in your life
Until you start to
Live it

A Healthy Tongue
Should be


When you find your way out of the misery
Take some time to celebrate

When you’re in the
The things
Will give you

A Wizard must be good at 
Turning Every Day Life
Into A Party

Hating what you do
Is like taking a swim
In a pool of quicksand

Everyone should try  to be Special
In their own way
"Because They All Are!"

Accomplishment is the Validation
Of Existence
And the Catalyst
Of Creativity

We are the orchestrator
And the architect
Of the posture
Of our life

A quiet mind
Is a terrible thing
To waste

A Smile in the Face of Adversity
Is a Rebound

Only Love can conquer hate

All good people is Hollywood in their mind

Find a good thing to think about 
and you will find many more that follow it 

To Balance
What one can get away with
With what one must do
Is Qi

Love breathes Life into our hearts
and brings Grace to our movement

Sometimes a life gets so complicated
To think at all
Would promote Chaos

A good day is loving your life
A bad day is hating your life
The difference is owning your life 

A Smile Is 
A divine moment of truth

Know Thy Self
Life is full of fools 
Without hope
To see who they are

Learn to make
The necessary adjustments

If you want something done
Give it to a busy man

Sneaky listeners never
Hear good about themselves

When you leave on a good note
You did it right

If you’re not 
You’re not having

Today I am trying to behave myself
 it’s my first time

To succeed against 
Overwhelming odds
One must have 
The momentum
The move  

A world is built
Upon a smile 

Every Day
Fun Day 

An Answer For Everything
The 5 Sicilian Answers 

You don't want to know
You don’t need to know
You don’t ask
We’ll keep it in the family
Because that's the way it is 

Wouldn’t You Really Rather
Have Fun  

It is impossible 
To live a life
Without fun 

When you do something
You get to be somebody

To not feel the time
To be at peace
In the pace
Of what I do
Is a good day

The first husband is for
The second husband is for
The third husband is for

Asian women proverb

You put in your stomach what you like 
When you are young
And as you age
It will pay you back for it 

The trauma changes us all

I have some advice for you
It has helped me survive
The trauma and abuse


You need to put something else
In your head
Something to push out
The things you will be thinking

It has to be a conscious effort
even when you feel tired or hopeless

If you don't replace
The things in your head
They will make you suffer

When you realize
They are your enemy
you will forcefully
Throw them out

Words Are Magic
If you know
To use them

Never take a man’s wind from him

The inability to think
Is beyond reason 

You know how people are
They know better than anybody 

Life is a beautiful thing
If you let it be

Advice from those who have none
Is worth its weight in gold

There is a reason for
The things going on in your life 
It is called your mind

Laziness will make you old
Before your time 

The greatest thing you can do
For life
The people around you
Is to develop a sense
Of appreciation 

Life is a unique opportunity
To compete against an opponent
That we cannot defeat

There are those with more time
Than they know what to do with
There are those with more to do
Than they have the time
The trick is to be neither

I believe
In Love
Because of this
I own
The Dream

When you dance
Everything else just becomes
A matter of time

If your life is nothing
Then you make It
In your mind

If you meet a Wizard
You will find yourself again
He will lead you through laughter
You will remember your life

Put a smile on your face
Find someone to brighten their day
A little glow in your eyes
A little cheer in your words
Will deify the worst of days

A secret is a secret
Yet everyone knows
As long as it’s not
Brought up in public

The Pressure May Be On 
The Smooth 
Has Been Applied

A Wizard must not eat
Of any animal
Least he expel
Rigor Mortis Wind
The Wind Of The Dead

Life is not about 
what happened to 
Life is about who 
Let it make

A Wizard must not
The hair on his head
Unless it has unintentionally
Cut by fire

A Wizard must be good at 
Pretending to be happy
When things are sad

Everything about life & relationships
 Business, personal or pleasure
 A negotiation

The thought that avails
When I have lost the thought
I have new purpose now

To meditate on that thought
That I do not have
Until I am restored

When you are young they can’t wait for you to talk
When you are old they can’t wait for you to shut up 

Imagine that all mirrors 
Are all actually Stellar Class cameras
 Then Imagine what your viewers
Have seen

All the things I loved about them
Now belong to me
Are now a part of me 

Accomplishment will get you through 
The Day
Belief will get you through
The Life 

 Time management
Is relevant to mentality 

If having things to do weighs you down
Shouldn’t doing them make you feel better 

Tell people something good
About them 

When your are not using your brain
Anything is possible 

Living in a fantasy
 is necessary 

If we don’t look for the good
We will drown in the bad 

If we didn’t look for the good
We would drown in the bad 

The weak eat for what taste good
Eating what one likes

Eating is a War
To stay alive

When Morons talk
It is best to be quiet
And avoid the conversation

The wisest 
Of men

Works at
Not letting

Those who
Don’t understand

What they do

That can not see
Who they’ve become

Behind the wheel 
Of a vehicle
On the 

The Life

The man 

It isn’t that
You have to much to do
What matters is
That you
Make sense
Of it
Bring order
To it
Finding peace
In the pace
Of your life

What good will it be 
When it's done
If you don’t put time into it
And enjoy it 

Whenever I am Overwhelmed
Can’t cope with the complexity
 Of my life, 
I Organize

Whenever there many troubles 
In this life, 
I find great peace
 In simple things 

Complicated Complications
Why do they even exist 
In your mind 

When you have enough
 And you don't think you have enough
 You already have to much

The Difference Between 
Being On Top Of The World,
 Being Beneath The Circumstances, 
Is Owned By A Thought

Your Business Own's You 
 You Own Your Business

Everyone wants to be around you 
When things are going good in your life, 
When you are fun to be around. 
People tend to avoid you 
When things in your life are going bad 
And you pull them down, 
So  why tell them ?

Complicated to a young man is no problem, 
As he ages it becomes reality 

The man spoke to a tree
that he passed for many seasons,
as the man touch a leave,
he smelled its scent;
 "Where have they all gone?"

 "They all will leave you in time "
whispered the branches
 of the tree
 in the wind.

So the man kissed the leave
touched it with his other hand,
felt the life in the tree
running through
 Its branches,
 running through
 every part
of the man,
 reflecting the life
 of the universe.

The man looked up
through the tree
into the stars
in the night sky,
closed his eyes,
he could now see
the lights all of the stars
in his mind,
as the wind rushed
across the limbs
 of the man,
it whispered
into his ears;

"You are never alone" 


Añjali Mudrā
Maharishi Déjà Vu


Photo "God's Seal" 
TAO DAN Meditations
Maharishi Déjà Vu © Sicilian Family Productions